Application Form Preview FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY >>> Click HERE to view the live version of this form UNIT DETAILS Desired Unit Type Select Unit Type preference —Please choose an option—1 Bedroom Unit2 Bedroom Unit Select Floor preference (Note: this is only an indication of your preferences and does not automatically guarantee the type of unit and floor that will be offered) —Please choose an option—Ground FloorFirst FloorSecond FloorThird Floor Disabled Persons Are you or any members of your household disabled? NoYes If yes to above, do you require a special unit for disabled persons? NoYes Details of the Unit Number of adults (over 16 years old) to occupy the unit: Number of children under 16 living in the unit? Parking Space Do you own a car? NoYes [group group-car453]If yes, would you like to rent a parking bay? NoYes [group group-01-parking] Car registration number(s): [/group][/group] ------------cf7mls step-2 ------------cf7mls Personal Particulars First Name: Last Name: Gender: MaleFemaleOther Nationality: Form of Identification: (Please only select 'Passport number if not a resident of South Africa) ID numberPassport number ID/ Passport Number as selected above: Contact Details Contact Number: Email Address: Residential Address: Criminal Record Do you or any of members of your household have a criminal record? NoYes [group group-criminal188] If yes to above, please briefly explain: [/group] Documentation: Note: Please be aware that you will be required to submit the following documents after completing this application. Your application will only be considered once all documentation has been sumbitted. - Credit Check R250.00 per applicant (Non – Refundable) - Current Payslip - Identity document of applicant - Identity document of spouse / partner/ occupants (if app) - Married or Divorce or Death certificate (where app) - Birth Certificates of dependents - Affidavits (if app) - Bank statement/s (past 3 months) - Name Clearance certificate (to be obtained from SAPS) Credit Check Fee Do you consent to a credit check? (R250.00 per applicant. Non – Refundable) YesNo [group Credit-ContsentNo] Unfortunately, you do not meet the qualifying criteria for Urban Status Rentals as a credit check is a requirement. Read Qualification Criteria [/group] [group Credit-Content-Yes] Excellent! After submitting this application, you will be required to pay your Credit Check fee of R250 via EFT into the following account: ABSA BANK ACC HOLDER : DEVMARK PROPERTY GROUP ACC TYPE : CHEQUE CURRENT ACCOUNT ACC NO : 409 652 6036 BRANCH CODE : 632 005 REFERENCE : FIRST 6 DIGITS OF YOUR ID NO AND SURNAME IMPORTANT NOTE: This fee is non-refundable. The above banking details will also be sent to you via email once you complete this application form and you will be required to submit the proof of payment via a link provided in your welcome email. Do you consent to and authorize your rental being deducted via debit order from the above bank account? YesNo [group group-debityes]Banking Details Please provide your banding details for your rental payments Account holder Name Bank Name: Account Type: —Please choose an option—Cheque /CurrentSavings Account Number: Bank Branch: Please be aware that, upon completion of this application, R250 will be deducted from your account for the credit check. [/group] [group group-debitno] Unfortunately you do not meet the qualifying criteria for Urban Status Rentals as a debit order is a requirement. Read Qualification Criteria [/group][/group] ------------cf7mls step-3 "Back" ------------cf7mls Income & Employment Income Gross Monthly Income (Please indicate your combined household income if you are married) —Please choose an option—R1850-R3501R3501-R6700R6701-R11300R11301-R15000R15001-R22000 Income Particulars for applicant (required) —Please choose an option—Formal labourInformal tradePensionDisability grantMaintenance grantOther Income Particulars for partner (if applicable) —Please choose an option—Formal labourInformal tradePensionDisability grantMaintenance grantOther Work Status Please indicate if you are: —Please choose an option—UnemployedPermanently EmployedContract (less than 12 months)Contract (more than 12 months)Self-employedPensioner Employer Details Current Employer (Name of Company) Your Occupation Length of service (in months) Contact Person at company Work Telephone Number Work Address ------------cf7mls step-4 "Back" ------------cf7mls Spouse/ Partner Do you have a spouse/ partner or another adult who will be living with you? YesNo [group partner-801]Particulars of Spouse/ Partner First Name: Last Name: Gender: MaleFemaleOther Nationality: Form of Identification: (Please only select 'Passport number if not a resident of South Africa) ID numberPassport number ID/ Passport Number as selected above: Spouse Contact Details Contact Number: Email Address: Residential Address: Spouse Employer Details Work Status Please indicate if your spouse is: —Please choose an option—UnemployedPermanently EmployedContract (less than 12 months)Contract (more than 12 months)Self-employedPensioner Current Employer (Name of Company) Occupation Length of service (in months) Contact Person at company Work Telephone Number Work Address Documentation: Please be aware that you will be required to submit the following documents after completing this application. Your application will only be considered once all documentation has been sumbitted. - Credit Check R250.00 per applicant (Non – Refundable) - Current Payslip - Identity document of applicant - Identity document of spouse / partner/ occupants (if app) - Married or Divorce or Death certificate (where app) - Birth Certificates of dependents - Affidavits (if app) - Bank statement/s (past 3 months) - Name Clearance certificate (to be obtained from SAPS)[/group] ------------cf7mls step-5 "Back" ------------cf7mls Residency History Indicate your current housing situation —Please choose an option—HomeownerLiving with familyRental apartment or houseInformal If applicable, indicate your partner's current housing situation (optional) —Please choose an option—HomeownerLiving with familyRental apartment or houseInformal If renting, indicate basic current rent paid per month R Please list your current residential address Address How long (please indicate years or months) have you lived at this location? Landlord/ Reference name Landlord/ Reference contact number ------------cf7mls step-6 "Back" ------------cf7mls Next of Kin Please provide us with the contact details of a friend or relative who does not live with you. Relative/Friend's Name Your relationship with them Relative/Friend's contact number Relative/Friend's Email ------------cf7mls step-7 "Back" ------------cf7mls Household Composition Please select the appropriate option: Single (no children)Couple (no children)Single parent with child(ren)Couple with child(ren) Number of dependants currently presently residing with you [group dependant1]Dependant 1: Full Name Date of Birth Relationship (eg. Child) [/group] [group dependant2]Dependant 1: Full Name Date of Birth Relationship (eg. Child) Dependant 2: Full Name Date of Birth Relationship (eg. Child) [/group] [group dependant3]Dependant 1: Full Name Date of Birth Relationship (eg. Child) Dependant 2: Full Name Date of Birth Relationship (eg. Child) Dependant 3: Full Name Date of Birth /br> Relationship (eg. Child) [/group] ------------cf7mls step-8 "Back" ------------cf7mls Confirmation Please agree to the following by confirming your details as required: I understand that I need to submit my documentation upon completing this form in order for the application to be processed. I hereby give consent to Urban Status Rentals to obtain any information necessary from the relevant credit bureaus, previous landlords, employers and individuals provided as references in order to consider this application. I declare that I have read this form carefully and that all fields are true and correct. PLEASE ALLOW A FEW MOMENTS FOR YOUR INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED TO OUR SYSTEMS. Δ